Of course we were talking about sex. It was Thanksgiving weekend, which always seems to be a big party weekend for the gays. MartiniFun was visiting from Chicago, and we were out at Therapy with a few friends. No one ever remembers how these conversations start, but we were talking about sleeping with boys, their friends, or friends of their friends.
“Does sleeping with a friend of a friend put you 2 degrees away from sleeping directly with that friend?” I asked.
“I'd be hard pressed to be 2 degrees from any of you,” AuntPharm said.
“Hell, 1 would be rough,” I replied, noticing that I’ve actually slept with most of my friends at some point. “In fact,” I went on, “I could probably go up to any stranger in this bar, and say ‘I've slept with one of your friends.’ And it would probably be true.”
“And how does that make you feel?” AuntPharm asked, laughing.
“Like it’s time to leave New York?” I quipped sarcastically.
But it did get me thinking about how many men I’ve actually slept with in my decade in New York. Was my number too high? Or was I just a typical New York gay?
I was immediately reminded of a conversation that took place, of course, on Fire Island. There, it seems, all conversations are about sex. That night in July I walked into the kitchen was no exception.
“So he was blowing me on the roof of his house,” one of my housemates was saying. “Everything was going was going great until he looked up at me just as I happened to be checking my watch...”
Everyone laughed.
“Do straight guys have this much sex?” TastyCake suddenly asked.
“What guys?”
“Who cares?”
“No, seriously,” TastyCake went on. “Ok, so there was this hot guy at the gym, and we were cruising each other, and we hooked up in the steam room. And he kinda looked familiar, but I couldn't remember him. So later on that day, I suddenly get a text from him. He knew me, he had my number, and... his number and name were in my phone! Can you believe I didn't remember him!?”
“Hello!” D2 cried, rolling his eyes. “This afternoon you introduced me to someone on the ferry that I slept with 5 years ago, and I just realized it now! I mean, sometimes I see a guy and I'm like, ‘I think I had sex with that person, but I’m not really sure...”
“Well,” TastyCake said, “how many guys have you slept with?”
“Oh, no!” I scolded. “We’re not getting into that game!”
“C’mon,” he replied. “100?”
“Easily,” I admitted.
“Totally.” added D2.
“This month,” chimed in Madambien, as everyone laughed.
TastyCake continued, “I can't wrap my mind around that number. Straight guys would say 5.”
“But,” I replied, “you can’t compare that. Straight guys live in a totally different world.”
Maybe, I realized, that was the key. It isn’t about being a Fire Island gay, or a New York gay – it’s just about being gay. It is a totally different world. But then I wondered, do all gay men live in that world? Or just the men I know?
Earlier this year, I went on a date with a very cute boy that was actually a set-up through a mutual girl friend of ours. He was sweet, smart, and funny – but I could tell right away we were very different people. The dissimilarities started when we were arranging our meeting. He worked very close to Hells Kitchen, so I suggested gay bars where we could meet. Vlada, Barrage, Ritz... He hadn’t heard of any of them. I was shocked. He’d lived in New York for 5 years, he was a gay man... how could he not know any Hells Kitchen gay bars?
Our separation became more evident as we chatted over drinks. We were discussing recent vacations, and he spoke of a camping trip where he’d spent a week in the woods with bears, snakes, and 4 straight girl friends. I spoke of the gay cruise, where I’d spent a week on a boat with bears, twinks, and 3000 gay boy friends.
“Well,” he announced, “we both slept in a cabin!”
I laughed. And then, I asked him point blank the question on my mind. “You’re just not... in the Gay World, are you?”
He smiled. “Not most of the time,” he admitted. “I like the gay world. I do! I just can’t handle it on a daily basis. But when I visit, it’s great fun. It’s like a big costume party! And who doesn’t love a costume party?”
I know I do.
I'm detecting an ever-increasing overlap in our subject matter...LOL.
Amen! 100 is a BIG number though ;-)
The gay world is always better and more fabulous!
I relate more to that last guy than anyone else so far.
I would much rather go camping than cruising (both kinds).
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